My name is Kiwamu Okabe. “岡部 究” in Japanese.
I launched my career on developing embedded devices at Ricoh Company, Ltd, and also learned application design using functional language such like Haskell. I found Metasepi project what is trying to apply strong type to embedded programming. For my first challenging, I developed an embedded Haskell compiler named Ajhc, and published some research papers. Secondly, I chose ATS language as embedded functional language, and found Japan ATS User Group what holds Japanese translations about the language. Thirdly, I chose VeriFast verification tool, and translated the documentation into Japanese.
Today, I choose Rust language to design embedded application running on STM32 microcontroller.
Metasepi is very experimental and ambitious project, however I believe that it also introduces an by-product ``the technology to design real software with predictable manpower and safety’’ regardless of embedded domain.
Challenge to create an open-source Unix-like operating system designed with strong type such as ML or Haskell.
Extend and add embedded features to Jhc Haskell Compiler. And also a Haskell compiler customized for Metasepi.
An user group for ATS language promotion of utilization. Translating ATS documents into Japanese.
A presentation tool written with Haskell. Carettah make a new presentation with command ‘carettah -n’. It’s controled by keyboard or Wii Remote and a clone of Rabbit. My slide created by the tool is found at slideshare.
I’m a Debian Maintainer, also maintain some packages.
Please read The Debian Manifesto (日本語訳) , if you don’t know Debian.
I’m learning ATS programing language, and also use Haskell language for dayily use.
pub 4096R/F2CBCA06 2009-09-12
Key fingerprint = DF60 3D3A 3C15 1B2C DF19 52F4 18DD 4D72 F2CB CA06
uid Kiwamu Okabe <kiwamu _at_>
uid Kiwamu Okabe <kiwamu _at_>
sub 4096R/45979C03 2009-09-12